

Leslie Lamport*1の『Paxos Made Simple』を読んで勉強中です。


Phase 1.
  1. A proposer selects a proposal number n and sends a prepare request with number n to a majority of acceptors.

  2. If an acceptor receives a prepare request with number n greater than that of any prepare request to which it has already responded, then it responds to the request with a promise not to accept any more proposals numbered less than n and with the highest-numbered proposal (if any) that it has accepted.

Phase 2.
  1. If the proposer receives a response to its prepare requests (numbered n) from a majority of acceptors, then it sends an accept request to each of those acceptors for a proposal numbered n with a value v, where v is the value of the highest-numbered proposal among the responses, or is any value if the responses reported no proposals.

  2. If an acceptor receives an accept request for a proposal numbered n it accepts the proposal unless it has already responded a prepare request having a number greater than n.

ミソはprepare requestとaccept requestの2回に分けてproposeを行う点である。データベースでのtwo-phase commitによく似ている。詳しくないので分からないが、本質的には同じものなのかな?


A simple Paxos implementation for study.




